• company corporation    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 3i Systems Corporation

      We are one of leading companies in global for Auto Optical Inspection systems for Display and Solar industries. Company was established in year 2005 by several PhD in USA, which have >10 years AOI experience in semiconductor industry. In order to reach companys fast growth in both China and Taiwan, ...

      電話:07-5883992    地址:高雄市鼓山區翠華路497巷3號
    2. 世正開發股份有限公司

      本公司擁有堅強的法人股東群,公司同仁大部份由高學歷精英份子組成,人性化管理,美式作風,公司薪資及福利皆優於同業甚多,歡迎比較。竭誠歡迎具有熱誠度的知識份子加入本公司行列。◆公司簡介 : 公司成立於1993年,...

      電話:02-26532688    地址:台北市南港區三重路66號4樓
    3. 亞星國際科技股份有限公司

      Pacific Star Technologies Corp., founded in 1997 and headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, is an international company with a worldwide distribution network. The companys expertise lies in the manufacturing and development of rugged computer products and POS/Kiosk products for various vertical markets. P...

      電話:02-29151254    地址:新北市新店區寶橋路235巷8號2樓
    4. 思路國際股份有限公司

      ...elecommunication.Currently, we have cooperated with a lot of various large companies in Indonesia and the world in developing IVIO® product distribution channels. Whether through modern distribution channels, traditional, corporate and exhibition events in major cities throughout Indonesia as well....

      電話:02-25565801    地址:台北市大同區承德路一段17號12樓地圖
    5. 星科創新有限公司

      SinTec CK Corporation. is a Taiwan company specializing in optical storage product in particular with its CD and DVD duplication systems. It was founded in July 1996 with the vision to take data storage into the future. Since then, it has established with a global network of operation in Taiwan, Ho...

      電話:02-25490050    地址:台北市大同區迪化街1段161號

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